In fact I am so worried, that my long-dormant blogfire ignited today
and, well, here I am. The Delinquent Blogger. The One Who Struggles to Get
Things Done.
I am trying so fucking hard to be mindful and open and let myself
rest. TO JUST BE. I talk a good game, don't I? Sometimes I play one, too.
But this world scares me. I'm frightened for Saskia. For Benjy
(but you knew that). For my elderly parents, for me, and for Lars. Because this
world seems increasingly not made for people like us. We are all -- in our
various combinations of female, elderly, ill (mentally and/or physically), and
not wealthy – extremely vulnerable. I believe that. I do.
It's not just Ben anymore. Probably it never was just Ben I had to
worry about, but I had no time or energy or heart to take that truth on and
wrangle with it.
Readers, sometimes it feels like we, here in America, are all boiling away in one
big, messy stew of trouble.
Admittedly, I DO have an anxiety disorder, and I HAVE struggled
with depression over these many years of pain and loss -- more or less
balanced, I have to say, by interludes of pleasure and heady, happy love. But
don’t brush me off because of it. I’ve learned to distinguish between the
concern-worthy and the silly. I may not always behave like it, but I can tell
the difference. Today, as I was yesterday and the day before, I am
really, truly frightened.
Let's just call what I’ve got by its proper name: illness of the
psychiatric order. Forget whether or not there is any causal link between the
traumas I’ve endured and these issues. Who cares? Others in my family have
struggled with the same stuff and then some -- and in Lars's family it’s the
same deal.
What I mean to say here, is that I have some conditions that could
and should be characterized as mental illnesses.
Obviously, Benjy's mental health problems did not spring fully
formed out of a vacuum. Nor are he and I particularly unusual in our
dysregulations. If one were to make an honest assessment of the full spectrum
of psychiatric disorders among the human populations of this earth -- and why
don't we add the animals while we're at it, because there exists empirical
evidence that they, too, can and do experience emotional trauma -- I would bet
anything one would discover that the majority of us sit somewhere on the wide spectrum
of mental illnesses.
Then there is this thing called Asperger's. It's not a mental
illness. But the two kinds of disorder often travel together. If you've been
reading this blog for a while you know this.
And here's why I am so distraught these days, and why my angst
pulled me out of this gloomy hiatus so I could write, today, about the convergence of
those two illnesses: Another mass killing has occurred. And the usual shit is
hitting the ether and the airwaves. Oh yeah, HE HAD ASPERGER'S AND MENTAL
Well, actually, if these facts are true about this young man (and
certainly I would not dispute the latter; it's pretty obvious, if you watch
clips from his final video, or read his “manifesto,” that he was seriously
divorced from reality) it IS a surprise. Because there is tons of evidence,
from scholars and clinicians and caregivers, that people with either or both of
these conditions are FAR more likely to be victims than victimizers.
The best analogy to this confusion I can
think of is airplane disasters. You might think, if all you did was consult the
media, that death by airplane crash/explosion/hijacking, and so on, was a
common occurrence. It's not -- but the millions of safe passages every month
don't make for good news fodder, so we never hear about them. Therefore, lots
of people jump to an uninformed conclusion and are afraid of flying. (Or they
are like me, and plagued by a host of unreasonable phobias -- which is also a
lame reason to avoid airplanes.)
See the connection? It's not as though there have only been ten or
twelve young men afflicted with Asperger's and mental illness in recent
American history and they all turned out to be creepy mass murderers. So why assume
that the combination is always, or even often, a deadly one? We are all
around you, folks. We people with emotional dysregulation. With Asperger’s.
With both. We are not usually detectable because we are mostly functional
people living within the accepted range of “normalcy,” whatever that means. We
just have some shit we’re dealing with. Like everyone else on this planet.
If I used the same faulty logic I hear used repeatedly in the
media, and concluded right here and now that the only common variables in the
latest (and hey, every other) massacre were XY chromosomes and guns, I would be
metaphorically (I hope) pounced on and eviscerated. I would deserve it, too – because these
incidents suggest a complex and toxic cocktail of forces. It’s easy to blame a single
person or diagnosis. It’s a lot harder to look closely at ourselves and the
culture we live in. Yeah, that kind of interrogation hurts.
So here’s the thing: I have serious anxiety and intermittent
depression. I am a writer, a mother, an erstwhile scholar and teacher. I try to
be kind, to give others the benefit of the doubt. I love love and I hate hate,
and am often but not always successful living my life in that context. I
cherish my family with such ferocity, you'd better not even THINK about hurting
one of them.
Sometimes my anxiety and depression get in the way of life. Never
have they injured ANYONE, except by making those who love me sad.
And then there’s Benjy. He has the double whammy: Asperger's and a boatload of mental
health disorders. He works harder than ANYONE I HAVE EVER KNOWN, and with a
thousand strikes against him, to do well and do good. He worries about people
who suffer, and about animals who suffer, too. About the planet we need to take
care of, so it can take care of us. He reaches out to others in need. He has
endured six hospitalizations, a million humiliations, a thousand-and-one drives
all the hell over the place for medical and psychiatric appointments. And he is
only just 14 years old.
My boy.
I spent the past ten long, weary years fighting for his happiness and his
life, and I am still fighting, because this stuff is forever. Benjy is still
alive, and he is sometimes happy now. I count this as a triumph. The physical
and emotional injuries I have suffered on our journey I celebrate: they are my
war wounds. My family is intact.
So what's my point, again? (I know. When I'm morally outraged I lose
focus. What can I say?) Oh yeah, it's this:
Don't make casual and damning comments like, "Oh, he had
Asperger's and mental illness. Big surprise." Because words have power, and
they can ruin lives when not used with care.
I think the real issues are these:
- Inadequate access to mental health care.
- Lack of public education about this problem, and the public health and safety disasters that said lack of access to care has created.
- Fear of and hatred toward that which is "different."
- GUNS EVERYWHERE. And don't tell me about the knife. Don't even bother.
- Systemic and culturally sanctioned misogyny -- and yes, Ann Hornaday of the Washington Post makes a very important point. Just take a look (if you dare) at the online subcultures Rodgers engaged with. And hey, Hollywood: you may just be a wee bit culpable here. Maybe even a little more than wee. Not any one actor or director or writer, but the whole shebang of you guys. Yeah, you. And lest I come off as sanctimonious, I’m probably a wee bit culpable, too.
So please, can we PLEASE talk about what just happened, yet
again, in ways that make sense? In language that forces all of us, as a society
of people more or less united (CONGRESS? That includes you, because Legislators
are People, my Friends), to take some responsibility for the shit that keeps
going down in our country?
Pretty please? Thank you.