Thursday, August 30, 2012

What I'm Up To

Greetings, faithful Readers!

I hope your (waning) collective summers have looked like this:

And this:

Mine has not been QUITE so blissful. But I do love the light, the cherry tomatoes ripe for the picking in our garden, and the lack of stressful HOMEWORK. I also like the later wake-up. Oh, yeah.

Here at Chez Delaunay we are dealing with several issues on the junior varsity level. Severe tics and growing anxiety on the one hand, and painful joints (one more piece of the lupus puzzle) on the other.

One cool turn of events: in spite of aching knees and elbows, Saskia kicked butt at her freshman volleyball tryouts and made the team despite stiff competition. I just hope the rheumatologist doesn't tell her tomorrow morning, at her appointment, that she can't play. That is one scene I do not want to witness.

Anyway, when not driving children all around greater Boston, here's what I've been (or will be) up to:

  • Submitting stories to journals
  • Writing an essay about one of my life's great regrets (it happened thirty-six years ago and involved me receiving precisely what I had yearned -- and pleaded -- for since young childhood. Ironic? Yes!)
  • Applying for  Radcliffe Fellowship which, if I am extremely lucky and get one, will fund a year's worth of memoir writing (and then some)
  • Conceptualizing the memoir I will be writing about raising a child who wants to die
  • Preparing to apply to Yaddo and other artist's colonies for next summer (another endeavor that will require great luck, which seems to be in short supply around here)
  • Writing a column pitch to an online literary journal, about -- you guessed it -- parenting a child with mental illness
  • Figuring out whether we can get Saskia on Mass health like her brother. I think if the lupus Rx becomes definitive we can -- which can't happen too soon as these medical expenses are BANKRUPTING us
  • More stuff I can't remember off the top of my head
  • Sitting just quietly and smelling the flowers, like my favorite bull, Ferdinand (great story!!)
Thank goodness for unemployment!

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