Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Green Cleaning

Remember I told you that in the interest of frugality I would be henceforth making my own cleaning supplies? Well, I did. And today my house cleaner is using them. Two thumbs up for cheapness AND green living!

Here is what we're using:

All purpose cleaner: simply vinegar, in a spray bottle. If you want you can dilute with water.

Tub and tile cleaner: one cup baking soda and several squirts of liquid dish soap, until you have a creamy, frosting-like consistency.

Window cleaner: Two cups water, 1/4 tsp liquid dish soap, 2 tbsp vinegar, in a spray bottle.

I use white distilled vinegar, just fyi. I bought a huge jug of it for a couple bucks.

I am also going to make my own laundry detergent out of ivory soap (grated), 20 mule team borax, and washing soda (ever hear of that?). I'll let you know how it works out.

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